Thursday, May 1, 2008

More Gaps in Education

Guess what I did today....Go ahead...guess....You will never guess in a million years because it is one of those things that most people just do and don't think about.

I mowed the lawn today!

I told you you wouldn't be impressed, but I am severely allergic to grass and have asthma. When I was growing up, I would have an asthma attack if I went outside to give my parents a glass of tea while they were mowing. Needless to say, I have simply left that chore to the other members of my family. However, today, Rock was needing to mow, but he also needed to check on one of his managers who is in the hospital, and have a conference call, and take Professor to his Little League game, and, and, and...he was a little overwhelmed. So, I volunteered to mow, he was a little leery, but agreed when I found some dust masks in the garage. So to shorten a long story...I mowed the yard today, have a real sense of accomplishment, and only had one short sneezing fit. Now that I have learned this chore, it is time to teach Professor so that maybe I won't have to do it again.


Anonymous said...

Thankfully you were able to do it without getting an asthma attack.

Didn't you say your Mom read this?

Man, if she's anything like my Mom, you'll be getting a lecture on how you need to take care of yourself, and not take on so much. . .

Sunny said...

I don't have severe allergies or asthma and I've never mowed a complete yard, only a few rows out of curiousity! shh, don't tell:)

Shelly said...

I've mowed the lawn once in my life because my dad had had surgery recently & my brother was in Iraq. Only did the front yard but it still felt like a great accomplishment & that there are some things that I can do on my own.

Michelle said...

It's a good thing you've got so many boys 'cause that's one chore you should never have to do again! lol! Of course, Princess is totally capable as well. I know I had to do it when growing up ~ which totally stunk (is that a word?), by the way.

Oh, I'd just train them to bring the sweet tea anyway! :)

Megan said...

Teaching Professor is something you can work on. But sooner than that you have to somehow get Rock to forget that you were ever able to pull off this task. You feeling accomplished is great, but you adding something else to your to-do list in the future is not so great! LOL!