Wednesday, November 26, 2008

The Natural Balance

Well, it has been done. The natural balance of the universe is now out of kilter, and Rock is to blame for this catastrophe.

Since we drive from TX to OK and the drive is five plus hours long, we often employ a portable DVD player. In the past, Professor has been in charge of loading DVD, starting the movies, pushing buttons, etc. However, because of the way that the screens had to be attached to our car, this trip Princess is in charge of the DVD player. Oh Mercy Me! Professor has done everything he can think of to try to get back into the drivers seat (so to speak). Princess is of course most gracious in her new found power, and is not at all letting her older brother know that he now has no power.

And how do I know that this is really getting to Professor? From the back seat I hear him ask Princess for the remote (yes, a remote for a mobile DVD player). After she so kindly refuses we hear...But I haven't gotten to push one button.


Michelle said...

Oh, the things men will do just to push a button! lol! I am lovin' it!

Sunny said...

Hahaha! Poor first born little man!

Megan said...

And once again Eve attempts to usurp Adam's position...I guess it is good for professor to learn early in life.