Saturday, July 26, 2008

Trial by Fire

Yesterday I was privileged to be able to play TAPS at a funeral for one of our Veterans. I waited for the rifles to finish and present arms, and I began the first notes. At that time I also felt a stinging/burning sensation on my foot, then another, then another. I had been discovered by a small group of fire ants, and I because I was playing, I couldn't get away from them. I really wanted to jump up and down and swat at my feet to squash the vicious little things, but I wasn't about to stop playing and draw attention to myself... so being the good marching band geek that I am, I simply took it. I would have sworn that my foot would be covered with the filthy little insects, but when I finally finished playing I counted only 4 of them. I have six bites on my right foot, and two on my left so wearing shoes is out of the question today. On the upside, the Marine detail was impressed that I stood and suffered. Stupid Ants.


Anonymous said...

Well, I'm impressed that you stood there and took it too!

Good for you chica. And thanks!

Anonymous said...


Thank you.

The Brocketts said...

Way to go!