Friday, July 11, 2008

Bathroom Re-Do

Now I know that you are wondering what I have been doing that has kept me so busy, well...aside from being on vacation and throwing a birthday party for Princess, Rock and I have been busy painting the inside of the house, and moving children around to different rooms. Today you get to see what I have done with the kids/guest bathroom. I really do like how it came out.
When we started, the sink area was a light yellow and the original construction white with a flag/heart border, and the tub/toilet area was a navy blue. All flat paint and all impossible to clean. Plus we had that terrific light fixture and even though you can't see it...carpet. Yes, carpet. Whoever decided that carpet in the bathroom was a good idea obviously didn't have children, let alone little boys.

Now the wallpaper border is gone and both rooms are a really pretty Wedgwood blue-ish color in satin paint so that we can clean it. The carpet is gone and the floor is now painted/faux finished, and sealed. There are some nice Red,White, & Blue accents (some with a Texas spin), and a great new light fixture (which we bought on clearance...WOOHOO!!!).


Anonymous said...


Isn't it AMAZING what a coat of paint can do! Your light fixtures are gorgeous too.

Thankya, kindly! That was the impetous I needed to get my rear back into painting mode.

Oh, yeah, flat paint is bad, Bad, BAD! (Especially in a bathroom with boys!)

Sunny said...

Awesome job as usual!

Megan said...

I love the redo! Funny enough, we have been pricing things to redo our small bathroom and our half bath. Right now we have Ecru walls and all the beautiful light fixtures and things like you just replaced. Hopefully we will stop talking and start doing sometime soon! Thanks for the extra inspiration!

Sarah said...

Corefoundations - flat paint bad. satin paint good.

Sunny - Thank You

Megan - For the entire re-do we spent about $200. The floor was the most expensive part, but was still 1/2 the price of tile. We got some great bargins.