Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Sugar and Spice...

I know that most if not all 4 of my readership are as frustrated as I when it comes to finding dresses for our daughters that look like little girls' dresses. I'm not talking about modesty, although it is an issue, but about my five year old looking like a five year old instead of a sixteen year old. I have been able to find dresses that cover, but I am getting irritated with my choices either being REALLY expensive or something that would look really nice on a teenager. My solution to the problem...tell my Grandmother. She is a wonderful seamstress. I was venting to her at Christmas time and late last week a package arrived with a beautiful little girl dress tucked inside; complete with bow sash, matching purse, embroidered hankerchief, and tag bearing the words "Made Especially for you by Great-Grandmother." If it wasn't for her I'd have to sew.

Aren't you supposed to twirl when you get a new dress?


Anonymous said...

hee,hee. . .finding dresses is not a problem for me.

You are DEFINATELY supposed to twirl in a a new dress!

That's awesome.

Shelly said...

Very cute!

Jedi Miller said...

Thats a really cute outfit, she seems happy to have it.

although as cute as she it you could just put a potato sack on her and we'd all be like "how precious!!!"


Anonymous said...

Hey, I'm part of your readership and I have no problem whatsoever finding cute dresses...since I only have boys! She's a doll as usual and you are the super mom I look up to most!

Jules said...

Yes, my dd always had to give a new dress the twirl test! :D

I want to be that kind of grandma, too. Of course, my dd is in fashion design so we'll see if she allows dresses from a pattern by then. ;)

What a treat!