Thursday, January 24, 2008

Free Stuff is Good

Look what I got for F-R-E-E.
Yes, ladies and gentlemen it is a breadmachine. Now, I usually do not buy gadgets like this because I have an awesome Kitchenaid Stand Mixer that I can and have used to make our bread for at least the past year. However, when your neighbor calls and says, "I have a breadmaker that is practically new. Do you want it?" it is my duty as a frugal woman to say "Why yes, I do think that I would like to have said breadmaker."
I gave it a try this morning and this was the result.

It isn't as pretty as my hand formed bread, but all I had to do was put the stuff in the machine and press the button. I did eat the funny looking heal, and it tasted pretty good. The real test will be my Mother who is coming in today. I'm still going to have to play with it before I decide if I like it. If I don't, then it may be getting passed along to someone else I know who likes free stuff.


Shelly said...

We got one as a wedding gift & I used it for our first Thanksgiving but didn't care for it. It was kinda hard. But it was my first time so that could've been my fault. I'll give it another try one of these days.

Anonymous said...

I use mine alot, but just on the dough setting.

I can't stand the way they come out, if you do it in the machine, so I form and bake my own loaves.

Plus, it gives me something to punch. . .you know, just in case I need to. ;)

Jedi Miller said...

Do we still have it? I thought we sold it or regifted...