Thursday, April 3, 2008

They're Reading Folks


Yes, folks it is finally happening. My children are becoming lovers of books, and I am as thrilled as I can be. Yesterday afternoon, when we usually have a free time, Professor and Princess asked me to read some more out of Wizard of Oz. Usually, they ask me if they can play a video game, or watch a little TV, or play Wii, but yesterday they got out paper, crayons, and Legos and played quietly while I read three chapters. Then they wanted me to keep going, but the two littles got up from their naps and had to be taken care of.

Today, Professor had a breakthrough. He read an entire chapter book this morning. It was so funny, because he was just reading along (and I was letting him) and when he got to the end of the book he exclaimed, "Momma! I just read this whole book!" He was surprised at himself. Not only did he read the book, but he also gave me a synopsis of what he had read, and it was very accurate. Then he wanted to read another book. I promised him he could, but first he had to finish his math and take his spelling test.

Looks like I am going to be doing alot of reading to keep up with him. Whoopee!!!


Jedi Miller said...

Cool congrats to the professor in finishing his book. (btw what was it?)

And now we start him on the hard stuff lets see I got The Hobbit, Lord of the Rings and Simarillion already to go for him, as well as 37 star wars books that take place after return of the Jedi. :)

I do have quite a few of the youung jedi knight series as well...

Anonymous said...

Oh, yeah, you "whoopee" now, about reading lots of books, but just you wait! Next year, I've got so many books to read (Beowulf, Shakespeare, Jane Eyre. . .)and that's just for one child!

It is a stupendous feeling though!

Anonymous said...

Yahoooooooo! What a wonderful feeling. It is such a neat thing to have that "light bulb" experience!

It is a good thing you are a fast reader. LOL!

Anonymous said...


I would next recommend Pilgrim's Progress (Both books, since Christian goes back for his wife and kids in the second book)

Followed by Hercules Collins' Orthodox Catechism and the Baptist Catechism : )

Michelle said...

Books good. TV bad. Yeah books!

(heehee, that one was for Jedi)