Monday, April 7, 2008

The Best Day EVER!!!

Professor had his third Little League game this past Saturday, and with it he scored his first run. Not only that, but he also brought in two other runs with his hit. It was so fun, everyone was jumping up and down and yelling at the top of their lungs. He was so happy and his Daddy couldn't have been prouder. Professor declared it
"The Best Day EVER!!!"
He swings and......CRACK!!!

Hey Momma!!! I hit the ball!!!

Rounding 2nd!

Almost Home

Now at this point you may be wondering why I don't have a picture of him rounding 3rd...well, he wasn't supposed to keep going. The 3rd base coach was signaling him to stop, but Professor was so excited that he just kept right on going. I've never seen him move with such purpose. Usually, he has the urgency of a napping cat.

Crossing Home Plate (You can see his knee just to the left of the coach)

Celebration! He was so excited he was completely jumping off the ground. Rock (in the white T-shirt) was so proud of Professor, and I'm glad there aren't buttons on T-shirts or I'd be sewing right now.

I wish you could see his whole face, but you can at least tell he is excited. I would have loved to have had the full shot of his face, but I can't be mad at someone who was telling my boy what a great job he did.

Here he is with that great big grin on his face. He was so excited, and I was just giggling with joy. I'll have to agree with the Professor on this one...this was a glorious day!



Anonymous said...

Okay, I'm envious, as we are still wearing coats up here!

Awesome for your son!

Jedi Miller said...

AHHH the Force is strong with this one!!!!

Great Job Professor!!!

Good pictures, knowing my luck i would have been inthe bathroom or getting a hot dog at that moment. Or i'd be trying to turn the camera on...

Sunny said...

Yea Professor!! Congrats, we're so proud of you!

Shelly said...

Congrats Professor!

Michelle said...

I miss going to Little League Baseball. :( sniff... But at least I get to go to Friday night football this year!

Way to go Big P!!

Megan said...

Oh, wow! What a great moment to capture in blog historia for your futures! I know the hubby must have been reliving his days of little league glory in that moment!