Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Easter and the Egg Hunt

One of our favorite times of the year is Easter. We look forward to it almost as much as Christmas. From the reading of the stories from Palm Sunday to Resurection Sunday, to the coloring and hunting of eggs we really enjoy this time as a family.
On Saturday we spent most of the afternoon coloring eggs. We really have alot of fun doing this, and it can take hours as each child, including Baby J, has their own dozen eggs. Out come the crayons, markers, and dye as well as the newspapers, rags, and vinyl table cloth.

The kids had a blast coloring and experimenting. I finally came out from behind the camera. Baby J just kind of took it all in, and believe it or not, the Warrior managed to keep all dye and ink on only the washable surfaces of himself. Princess and Professor were a little more artistic, and really came up with some cool looking eggs.

Here is what the kids looked like before we left for Church on Sunday.

I had grand designs to make Princess her Easter dress, but Easter snuck up on me this year. I barely had the patern cut out, and was envisioning late nights in front of the machine to get it done. However, my Grandmother in her infinate wisdom made this pink dress for Princess and we recieved it in the mail on Tuesday. Princess asked me if she could wear that dress instead of the one that she had picked out. Naturally, and relievedly (is that a word?) I said yes. Oh, and the dress I bought to make...it's still uncut in the sewing room.

Here is what they looked like hunting for 48 eggs in our living room. The weather was beautiful, but our back yard was a swamp. It is amazing how creative you can get with hiding that many eggs in a small space. Baby J? Well he could have cared less, as he decided that he would rather nap than hunt eggs.

Now, I know that no good Mother would let their child consume large amounts of chocolate, but hey what can I say. When it comes to chocolate, Warrior is just like his Momma...The more the better. Check out this chocolate grin.


Anonymous said...

Wow! Look at all of those babies! I can't believe there are now 4! :) I am happy for you both. I saw your hubby today. He doesn't look a bit different than he did the last time I saw him years ago. It was great to see him. Leigh Ann

Sunny said...

Wow, that's some Easter endeavor. We have yet to venture into the realm of egg dying. So far we've just stuck to hunting the plastic candy filled eggs at church!

Anonymous said...

Look at those beautiful children! Baby J looks content in the highchair while the rest of you are dying your hands...a...eggs.