Monday, March 10, 2008

Playing Catch Up!!!

I didn't realize how much had happened in February until I started trying to publish a post that encompassed everything that had happened. Needless to say I don't think I have that much least not today.

So to sum up...
Baby J had his first solid food. Brown rice cereal and milk, and really liked it. He also likes apple sauce and carrots, but his favorite is avocado. The jury is still out on green beans.

We spent an evening with some friends, and needless to say Baby J
was in the center of the action.
February also saw the return of Z-Man. Who fit right back into his routine with us after a 4 month sabatical for me to take care of Baby J.

Momma Monk and I attempted a sewing marathon while our Darling Hubbies went to a hockey game. We had grand ideas that we could sew 3 simple little girls' skirts while taking care of 8 children ages seven and under (2 of whom are nursing babies). Needless to say, it took us 7+ hours to finish one skirt. I finally finished the Princess' skirt, and here is what it looks like.

Baby J got to see snow for the first time. He was only mildly interested.

The kids are saving money to purchase a Wii, so we institued child slave labor. Believe it or not the kids actually put the stamps and lables on straighter than either the Rock or I. They are saving their money to buy a Wii.
Now for some beautiful pictures of my beautiful family.


Sunny said...

Oh my goodness that can NOT be baby J!!!!! He's gotten way too big since we saw him last. I need an aunt visitation! That wide eyed baby J picture looks like a mix of my Mr. Golden Curls and Lil Spitfire! (and I have gotten your message and am trying to remember to call but am insanely on the go. Right now I'm visiting your brother!)

Michelle said...

Now you've done it. You've broken the golden rule of love and friendship.

You posted a picture of me with bad hair.

Really bad hair.

I'm afraid I will now have to question your sincere love for me.

I don't think I can sew with you anymore.


Michelle said...

Oh. By the way.

I bought a new pattern. And material.

Anonymous said...

Hi, Sarah! This is Rosa! I used to attend FBCofRH. Anyways, I am catching up here! What a cutie your baby J is and beautiful your family is. I just wanted to say hi and I am thinking of ya'll. We are currently in WA state but we are planning to head back to TX in several weeks.

Love, Rosa

Sarah said...

Sunny - I know we need some Auntie time as well. Praying that the house sells soon.

Michelle - PULEEEEEEESE!!! Like you could look anything but gorgeous!

Rosa - Wonderful to hear from you. I bet your little Katherine is getting to be big too. I'm looking forward to the visit.

The Brocketts said...

THERE you are. I was wondering if those are really your kids or old pictures of you and your brother????