Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Oh the Irony....

So, last night Rock goes to our local hardware store and gets some new backer board to fix our wabbly TV cabinet. After he fixes the cabinet we are going to rearrange all the electronics, hook up our new ClearPlay DVD player, and the Wii (more on that later). So everything is running smoothly, the cabinet is fixed and very sturdy, and we put the TV in the cabinet. Well, lets just cut to the chase.

The TV fell out the front of the cabinet! I hear this loud thump that sounds like a toilet lid slamming down and come into the living room to find my very irritated husband setting the TV upright on the ground. Okay, so the irony is...we have a very sturdy TV cabinet, a brand new DVD player, and a brand new Wii...all of which we can't use because we no longer have a TV. Well, we're going shopping in about half an hour so I'll let you know what happens when we get back.


Michelle said...

BAHAHAHAHA!! Oh to be a fly on the wall when that happened!! Sounds like about how my week is going! You can have our t.v. ;)

Anonymous said...

Oh, that's rich! like that one.

My DH is not allowed around electronics, as he blew up a brand-new DVD player. . .

At least all will be "new" all the way round.

I won't mention the Wii detail to my children, as they've been "aching" for one. . . not enough to buy one themselves mind you.