Friday, March 21, 2008

Daily Musings

I just thought I would get caught up today.

The New TV
I have to admit that I was worried about the new TV becoming a big draw for the kids, and my having to constantly tell them "No, you can't watch TV." However, I am pleasantly surprised as they have only asked to watch TV (actually to play Wii) once a day. Then they have played for about 30 min, and turned everything off to go play a game or play outside. I'm still getting used to the look of it, and am planning a trip to the garden center for plants to make the technology spot look more homey. We did purchase "Enchanted" and really enjoyed watching it on the "big" screen. I highly recomend seeing it even on a little screen.

The Wii
For those of you who are wondering about the purchase of the Wii, I am proud to say that I had very little to do with it. If you will remember my previous catch-up post, I told how we had instigated child labor. Well, to tell the full truth Professor and Princess did the work of their own accord. They even escued playing with their friends for 3 days. They would work on and off all day long for those three days, and managed to work 4 hours a day per child. They worked, got paid, and purchased the Wii on their own. And, I get to play with it...Have you ever raced a cow?

That time of year has come again...Sonlight mailed out their catalogs on Monday. Now I am waiting for the mailman with great anticipation. Rock says it really isn't fair of our Christian Curriculum Co. to cause such coveteousness in their clients.

Now those of you who do not homeschool are probably wondering why in the world I would be so excited to get a catalog of school stuff, and those of you who do homeschool, but don't use Sonlight are probably wondering why I would be so excited about this particular catalog. Well, for one thing there are the books, and I mean tons of books. I start reading the catalog and realize what wonderful books we will be adding to our library. I envision shelves full of books tht my children will read, and maybe even read to their children and I get so excited that I am almost giddy. We are pretty much strictly Sonlight users, and I can hardly wait to see what books we will be reading next year. Professor will be starting Core 3, which is the first part of American History. Princess will be starting Core 1, wich is the first part of World History. I just love the books, and the kids and I get a huge kick out of seeing how many books we consume over the course of the year. Now, if I can just figure out how to get the Mailman to bring my catalog TODAY.

I have decided that children have a sensor in their brain that lets them know when Momma is on the phone, on the computer, nursing the baby, and/or trying to take a short nap, because it is then and only then that all of them need your undivided attention all at once.


Anonymous said...

My kids pick phone calls as the time to start a new "world war".

You should see my library!

Sunny said...

Yea, me too, phone calls mean WWF is going to break out in the living room!

That's one heck of a TV, I'm beginning to wonder if Rock really did tip the last one on accident :) and hurray to daddies who show their little ones how to help others in a world where that seems to be desperately lacking.

The Brocketts said...

oh sister! I thought it was only me that reads the 2007 Sonlight catalogue EVERY NIGHT for fall asleep material. I CAN'T wait for this one! We are starting Core 2 over the summer (my work schedule makes Tate's schedule weird, but he doesn't notice). I, too, spend every extra penny of "my" money on those darned extras! We HAD to have the flashmaster!

Megan said...

So I think I am ready to start researching some homeschooling and was going to ask you about it...what an appropriate post. What age did you start Professor? And how in the world do you still manage to do it with a baby in the house? We'll have to correspond more offline...