Friday, February 6, 2009

I'm a Goober!!!

I Sooooooooo want this book!!!

I am a true goober, because I am (and have been for as long as I can remember) a Miss Piggy fan. Maybe it's because she remindes me so much of ...well, me. She is demanding, vivacious, bossy to the point of irritating, she eats like a...well, a pig, and she can drop kick the nearest person/frog/muppet who happens to tick her off. Plus, unlike me, she manages to be all those things with style and every hair in place. Okay, so I'm not all of those things overtly, after all I have to live in polite society. But...I still want this book.
Then after I went to Barnes and to find out how much it was and if it was in stock, I found these.

Wouldn't these make a great addition to my library? I mean who needs Bronte, Melville, or Austin...Bring on the Pig.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Okay, I've been waiting ages to "catch up", and I get. . . "pork".

Were these subtle hints for Valentines?

How are you doing, chica? I know this time of year is rough for you.