Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Cruel and Unusual Punishment

It could be termed "cruel and unusual punishment; " the fact that I made 265 cupcakes last night, put them on a table that Baby J can now reach, and then said the dreaded "n" word. And, if you ask Baby J he would tell you that it is indeed torture.
This is what 265 cupcakes look like all laid out on a table.

This is what a 17 month old looks like after being told, "No, no. You can't have the cupcakes."

This is what happens the very minute that Mommy turns her back.
Good thing there were extras.
I'll let him finish it later.


Unknown said...

Aww, that's just too much temptation for a little guy to take! That would be too much temptation for me to take! :)

Jenny said...

Hey girl! What are all the cupcakes for? I added your blog to my list. We have one now, too: :)