Friday, June 13, 2008

Busy, busy, busy...

Well, it has been almost 3 weeks since I last posted, but in my defense I have been extremely busy.

The Bathroom is nearly finished. The floor and walls are painted, and all we have left to do is replace the light fixtrue, put up the towel hooks and rings, hang the shower curtain, caulk the tub, and put down quarter round. After that list it doesn't really sound like we're close to being done does it.

Rock and I just got back from Las Vegas where he had a convention. We left the kidos with Grandma and Grandpa and went on this little trip by ourselves. We went to see Blue Man Group. That was a show worth seeing, it was really fun, and most of it wasn't at all what I expected. And, while we were there, we decided that Vegas was really kind of lost on us. We don't party at clubs, we don't gamble, and, since having kids, we aren't night owls. I did however get to sleep in and also managed to read 1.5 books. It was a good trip, but I am so glad to be back with my babies. I needed the break, and the time alone with Rock, but it is sure nice to be back as a whole family.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I was getting worried, so it's nice to hear things are going well, just busy. . .