Monday, February 4, 2008


Having a bad head/chest cold will put you out pretty fast, but not as fast as having that same cold while trying to take care of four chilren who also have said cold. We have all been sick here, even Rock, and I am so glad that it is over. It has been three weeks since I have been able to go to church because of sickness, and I am missing it so much. However, because I am a staunch believer in keeping your germs to yourself, we stayed home yesterday.

Everyone woke up in a pretty good mood, though still caughing and hacking a little, and Rock and I decided that it was time to do the post sickness cleaning. So, everyone got a bath, all the bed linens got changed and washed, and the house got a through cleaning. Today, we are all up to about 98%, and I'm praying that tomorrow will bring us back to 100%.

Now, the thing that I give credit to helping us along our recovery is that in typical Texas freaky weather style it is 80 degrees outside. I have the windows open and am enjoying that awesome fresh air. It's amazing how much better you feel when you aren't breathing recycled air. Can you feel that nice coolish breeze? You know the kind that just flutters the sheers over the window. I know that some of my readers are going to be jealous, but don't be. Tonight it is supposed to rain and be 40 degrees tomorrow.


Anonymous said...

Oooh! You are just cruel!

Here I go complaining about how my house "stinks" but the weather isn't good enough to crack any windows and you just go throwing it in my face!

Shame on you!

I will forgive and forget though, since you all have been sick.

Glad to hear you all are on the mend!

Jedi Miller said...

it's weird in Oregon they have 7 feet of snow and declaring a state of emergency, here i wore shorts yesterday :) I'm sure we will get a nice last minute freeze toward the end of the month.

Thanks for not spreading the disease!!! Lets hope we don't pick it up off anyone else now.

Shelly said...

Glad y'all are feeling better! We've miss y'all! But we are also very grateful for not sharing your germs. We were sick 2 months in a row & that's enough for me!